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Our Professionally Trained Mechanics Come From A Background Of Over 25 Years of Experience.

Our Auto Repair Shop Uses That Knowledge To Take Care Of You Like Family.


German Autowerks provides routine and mileage-based services for our BMW, MINI, Mercedes-Benz, and more clientele following the most up-to-date manufacturer guidelines and recommendations. But we’re no one-trick pony, partner. We also provide various other services including. Check out the brands we service today!

If you have any questions, feel free to call us for an appointment.

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Our Popular FAQ's

What should I do if my car starts to overheat?

This is a very serious problem – if your car overheats for too long, you can damage your engine. As soon as possible, find a safe place to pull off the road and shut the engine off! Do not attempt to check the fluid level in the radiator; the hot fluid can cause severe burns. The best thing to do is have your car towed to the nearest, trusted auto repair facility.

Should I consider using Synthetic motor oil in my vehicle?

Synthetic motor oils can be a good choice for high output, turbocharged or supercharged engines. Or for vehicles that are used for towing (especially during hot weather), and vehicles that operate in extremely cold or hot climates. Although more expensive than mineral-based oils, synthetic motor oils can improve fuel economy and provide longer intervals between changes.

What is Preventative Maintenance?

Preventative Maintenance is regular maintenance of your vehicle that helps keep your automobile running efficiently and eliminating potential problems that may leave you stranded.

How Often Should I Change My Air Filter?

Typically, there are two filters in a vehicle. One is for the engine and the other is for the cabin. A dirty filter can prevent airflow, limiting the engine's ability to expend hot air and inhibiting clean air to pass through. How often you need to change it varies, though the conventional timeframe is about 30,000 miles, which is why the best way to determine that it needs a replacement is to check it periodically. Fortunately, replacing a filter is a quick and easy process.

How Often Should I Check My Vehicle's Fluid Levels?

Aside from engine oil, there are many other fluids that are vital to the health of your vehicle. Some examples include the transmission fluid, brake fluid, engine coolant, and power-steering fluid. Their levels are not only affected by how frequently you drive but extreme temperatures as well. As such, specialists advise checking them at the same time as your oil change or every month or two.

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